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We are delighted that you are considering submitting your work to be presented at ESTSS2023 (June 14-17th 2023) which also marks the 30th year anniversary of our organisation. We truly hope that you will be able to join us at this special in person conference in Belfast Northern Ireland and that you can join our welcome event where we will have a 30th anniversary celebration with the ESTSS President, The Conference Organisers (the UKPTS) and the Lord Major of Belfast.

This conference focuses on bringing together a broad multidisciplinary range of professionals who work to support those who have experienced trauma at some point during their life. We aim to collectively share best practice in theoretical, empirical, and clinical advances through the presentation of cutting-edge research relevant to the field of traumatic stress. Equality, inclusion and diversity are at the very core of our values and therefore we will hear from researchers across many geographical, disciplinary, and economic backgrounds in addition to those at a variety of different stages of their careers. Of special interest will be contributions closely related to the conference theme of Trauma and Resilience Through the Ages: A life course perspective. However, all submission that relate to the field of traumatic stress are welcome.

Given the rise of potentially traumatic events (PTE’s) through global challenges such as the COVID19 pandemic and the War on Ukraine, we will particularly welcome submissions that speak to these issues and how best to support those who have been adversely affected. Pertinent to the Ukraine situation we will welcome submissions on refugees seeking asylum and safety, and the daunting task of organizing and providing evidence-based mental healthcare for the psychosocial consequences of stressful and traumatic experiences related to forced displacement. Related to the COVID19 pandemic we will welcome submissions to a dedicated Pandemic related Traumatic Stress track which help us to understand the extent of the impact on the psychological wellbeing of those who contracted COVID, those who lost loved ones, and those who worked on the frontline. This will complement an invited plenary on the topic from some of the leading researchers in our field.


More broadly we invite submissions that provide scientific knowledge fitting one of the conference tracks of Assessment & Diagnosis, Biological & Medical, Child & Adolescent Trauma, Public Health Transcultural & Diversity, Military & Emergency Services & their families, Intervention Research & Clinical Studies & Pandemic related Traumatic Stress.


On behalf of the meeting Chairs,

Professor Cherie Armour & Professor Dominic Murphy

Important Dates


Abstract Submission Deadline: Sunday 22 January 2023, 23:00 CET-1 (Extension) 

Abstract Acceptance Notification: Monday 20 February 2023


Late Breaking Poster Submission Period: 17-24 March 2023

Guidelines and Instructions

Contributions closely related to the conference theme of Trauma and Resilience Through the Ages: A life course perspective, will be particularly welcomed. The conference organizers highly recommend submitters to strive for diversity in their suggested contributions.



  • All suggested presentations should be original contributions, and ideally include new data. If data has been previously presented elsewhere, the suggested presentation should include new data or insights compared to the previous presentation.

  • Only complete proposals will be evaluated (i.e. no drafts).

  • All suggested contributions should be sufficiently detailed to evaluate its originality, relevance, and quality.

  • Accepted abstracts will be published in European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT; 2022 impact factor 5.783)

Flash Talk

A flash talk is a brief focused presentation on a topic pertinent to traumatic stress, typically including the presentation of novel research data. Each presentation will be limited to 5-minutes and 5 slides. 

Flash talks will then be presented in a grouping of 7 back-to-back talks. 

Each flash talk session will be designated as a featured presentation aligned to one of the conference tracks and each session will be chaired by an ESTSS volunteer. 

Submitters should provide: 

  • Title of flashtalk 

  • Conference track (only 1 track can be selected) 

  • Structured abstract including background, objective, method, results, conclusions; max. 250 words, incl. up to a maximum of three references, cited in the text​

Poster Presentation 

All posters should include (preliminary) research data on a topic related to traumatic stress. The conference organizers will schedule poster sessions throughout the conference.
Each accepted poster will be scheduled within one of these sessions. This allows presenters to discuss their posters with conference attendees. 

Submitters should provide: 

  • Title of poster

  • Conference track (only 1 track can be selected)

  • Structured abstract including background, objective, method, results, conclusions; max. 250 words, incl. up to a maximum of three references, cited in the text​



A masterclass aims to increase participants’ understanding and skill in a particular area of interest. Masterclasses can address both clinical and research topics. The masterclass is given by an experienced clinician/researcher in the selected topic. The length of the masterclasses will be 90 minutes. 


Of note, for clinical masterclasses, topics that address empirically supported interventions will be prioritized. 

Submitters should provide:

  • Title of masterclass

  • Structured abstract including background, objective, method, results, conclusions; max. 250 words, incl. up to a maximum of three references, cited in the text

  • Three learning objectives

  • Conference track (only 1 track can be selected)

  • Suggested level of required expertise

  • Suggested background readings (e.g. papers, chapters, guidelines etc.) 

  • Brief background of relevant experience of those giving the masterclass (max. 250 words)




Symposium Submission

Please read the following information carefully:

A symposium addresses one general theme related to traumatic stress. Within each symposium there will be four sequential presentations, that all relate to the overall theme of the symposium. The four individual presentations will be introduced by a symposium chair who will manage the session including timings and audience questions. Thus, each symposium has a maximum of 4 presenters, of which one acts as the symposium chair. 


The length of the symposia will be 90 minutes. 


For each symposium the following roles need to be allocated: Chair and individual presenters (i.e. the Chair will also be a presenter).


Symposium submissions should include an outline of the general topic of the symposium (for which the Chair is responsible) and four individual abstracts for the four presentations. The Chair should outline a brief general introduction on the day that corresponds to the submitted outline. 

Chairs should provide:

  • Title of symposium

  • Conference track (only 1 track can be selected)

  • Overall outline (max. 150 words) 

  • Three learning objectives 

  • Moreover, each individual presenter should provide:

  • Title of symposium

  • Title of individual presentation

  • Structured abstract including background, objective, method, results, conclusions; max. 250 words, incl. up to a maximum of three references, cited in the text



Individual paper submissions

Please note that the conference organisers will group individual presenter submissions together by tracks to create 90 minute symposium nominating one presenter as symposium Chair.


Individual presenters should provide:

  • Title of individual presentation

  • Structured abstract including background, objective, method, results, conclusions; max. 250 words, incl. up to a maximum of three references, cited in the text​

  • Confirmation of willingness to act as Chair if required.



Please note The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) has made a decision to cancel all academic and research collaborations with Russian universities and research institutions in response to Russian War in Ukraine. Delegates with Russian institution affiliation cannot register as participants of the ESTSS conference. Abstracts of presenters with Russian institution affiliation will not be accepted at the ESTSS conference. 

Please direct any questions about abstract submission or attendance to

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