We are delighted that you are considering submitting your work to be presented at ESTSS2023 (June 14-17th 2023), The deadline for full abstracts has now passed, but we welcome submissions of late-breaking posters between 17-24 March.
Submission Deadline: 24 March, 23:59 (CET-1).
Guidelines and Instructions
Contributions closely related to the conference theme of Trauma and Resilience Through the Ages: A life course perspective, will be particularly welcomed. The conference organizers highly recommend submitters to strive for diversity in their suggested contributions.
All suggested presentations should be original contributions, and ideally include new data. If data has been previously presented elsewhere, the suggested presentation should include new data or insights compared to the previous presentation.
Only complete proposals will be evaluated (i.e. no drafts).
All suggested contributions should be sufficiently detailed to evaluate its originality, relevance, and quality.
Late breaking poster submissions will not be included within the abstract book published by EJPT
Only one submission per author is accepted
Presenting authors will be given access to the conference early bird rate
Poster Presentation
All posters should include (preliminary) research data on a topic related to traumatic stress. The conference organizers will schedule poster sessions throughout the conference.
Each accepted poster will be scheduled within one of these sessions. This allows presenters to discuss their posters with conference attendees.
Submitters should provide:
Title of poster
Conference track (only 1 track can be selected)
Structured abstract including background, objective, method, results, conclusions; max. 250 words, incl. up to a maximum of three references, cited in the text
Please note The European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) has made a decision to cancel all academic and research collaborations with Russian universities and research institutions in response to Russian War in Ukraine. Delegates with Russian institution affiliation cannot register as participants of the ESTSS conference. Abstracts of presenters with Russian institution affiliation will not be accepted at the ESTSS conference.
Please direct any questions about abstract submission or attendance to